
Bachelor Of Fine Art

The arts are a vehicle through which human beings cultivate distinct social, cultural and individual identities, while transmitting values, impressions, judgments, ideas, visions, spiritual meanings, patterns of life and experiences across time and space. Somewhat in relation to the above, the word art is also used to apply judgments of value, as in such expressions as "that meal was a work of art" , or "the art of deception" . It is this use of the word as a measure of high quality and high value that gives the term its flavor of subjectivity. At the simplest level, a way to determine whether the impact of the object on the senses meets the criteria to be considered art is whether it is perceived to be attractive or repulsive. Some art schools prefer applicants to demonstrate evidence of having studied art at an earlier stage of education, and some fine arts degrees will ask to see a portfolio of work. In all cases, you’ll need to be able to demonstrate a keen